Most Extraordinary Space Investigations: Episode 04
This is a strange one. I pitched the idea that we go to home depot and pay for the services of an immigrant worker, but rather than put him to work helping us paint a fence or whatever they would normally do, we’d pay him to act in our show. It was a tough sell, and I knew it was insane, but with Sevan’s help I was able to convince Dan and Sarah to roll with it. I think the push back was that we all kind of felt like we would be exploiting a human being and that was bad, but it didn’t work out that way. Moses ended up having a blast with us. I think he was blown away that he got to just hang out, drink a few beers, and “act” as opposed to whatever manual labor he was used to doing. When we finished up, we payed him a healthy sum for his time and Sevan Dropped him off at his home. We never saw him again.
I would flip if I ever saw him. We gave him our emails but I don’t think he understood what they were. We really couldn’t communicate with him at all. It was so crazy. He never knew what he was saying on camera, he just copied english as best he could. Dan would feed him a line and he would repeat it back. We’d keep doing that until he got it close enough. By the end of the night he and I were best pals but we couldn’t really say anything of substance to each other. We’d just laugh together, probably finding the humor in completely unrelated things. Oh Moses. Where are you now.
Series: Most Extraordinary Space Investigations
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channel101, MESI, old, videos
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