Most Extraordinary Space Investigations: Episode 03

Most Extraordinary Space Investigations: Episode 03

Friday, September 21st, 2012
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This episode is a great example of how every idea we pitched somehow found a place within the episode. I honestly don’t think we left a single idea out of this one. Again we got together around 6pm and started brainstorming. Cancer. Kick boxing. Kidnapping. Mustaches. A talent show. These were all ideas we collectively pitched, and we just took them all and built a story around them. It’s like being in the kitchen making a cake with 3 other people and everyone is tossing random ingredients into a bowl, but no one objects. It didn’t matter what it tasted like at the end, as long as it looked like a cake and we were all having fun.
This was the only episode that Dan didn’t directly edit himself. I remember being at his old apartment editing this episode on my shitty laptop in his living room, while he edited (what ended up being) the final episode of laser fart in his office. It was actually one of the best days. We were both working away, knowing we had to be done before the screening started. Right up to the last minute. Dan would pop in and watch my edits, give me timing notes, etc. It was awesome. The final result is probably the most insane episode of this show of the bunch.

Series: Most Extraordinary Space Investigations

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  1. Drew Brown says:

    I'm pretty sure this was my favorite episode to date. I have to say you guys are fucking great, though I may be discredited later because I'm being absolutely ruined by illicit drugs as I type.

  2. Like Jonathan Winters hahaha oh man that ha me laughing

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