2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 05
After two grueling episodes, Christian couldn’t take it anymore. He came crawling back, begging me to help him with episode 05. He didn’t want to do it all himself anymore. He was far too lazy and sleepy. What he wasn’t anticipating was that I was still riding a wave of absolute laziness and sleepiness myself. We discussed some grand ideas for this episode. Taking it back to it’s roots. Really blowing it out. Instead, we shot a horrible haphazard “fan mail” Q and A episode that took about half a day for us to make, and got the show cancelled. We put zero effort into it and we were both able to get it off our plates quickly so we could focus on being lazy and sleepy. It all worked out I guess.
When is season 2 coming on?
Owow wow yeah, i mean no, no