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2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 05

September 21st, 2012 | 2 Comments

After two grueling episodes, Christian couldn’t take it anymore. He came crawling back, begging me to help him with episode 05. He didn’t want to do it all himself anymore. He was far too lazy and sleepy. What he wasn’t anticipating was that I was still riding a wave of absolute laziness and sleepiness myself. […]

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2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 04

September 21st, 2012 | 1 Comment

This is another Christina LeGuilloux episode. It’s fantastic. By now Christian had learned his lesson. He was exhausted. He was half a man from all the slaving and sweating that comes with a live action show starring puppets. He, once again, against all odds, pulled it off with the help of Julie Gollins. Another great […]

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2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 03

September 21st, 2012 | No Comments

This is a Christian LeGuilloux episode. He really pulled through with the help of Julie Gollins doing all the puppetry. I got to lay about and play video games and sleep all day while Christian got a kick in the pants. The final product is pretty fantastic I must admit. He pulled it off. He […]

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2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 02

September 21st, 2012 | 2 Comments

As much as I didn’t want to deal with making more of this series, I am insanely proud of this episode. I feel like my use of Ennio Morricone’s main title from “Duck, you Sucker” was a stroke of genius. I dropped it in as a test, and then just edited around it. It’s so […]

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2 Girls 1 Cup: Episode 01

September 21st, 2012 | 3 Comments

This was a collaboration between myself and Christian LeGuilloux. We came up with the concept over the holidays of 2007. We laughed our asses off at the idea of this cup just trying to trick these poor girls. It was so funny that I knew we had to make it. I REALLY didn’t want to […]

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