Replay Records

Replay Records

Sunday, September 30th, 2012
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These are commercials that actually aired locally in Manteca, Modesto, Stockton, and the surrounding areas for several years starting in 2001. I made these with Sevan Najarian, Abed Gheith, and Aaron Schultz and the help of many others. I remember going in to pitch the owner of Replay Records (John) on the idea of these commercials. I gave him the hard sell. I promised record breaking profits. A massive boost in foot traffic. This was the beginning of something huge. This was how Wal-Mart got started. These commercials would be the rally cry of a whole generation. They would create brand loyalty. I went on and on. I think he finally caved in and let me do them just to get me out of his hair. It’s pretty funny because I did the first 3 for free, then I had the nerve to come back and charge him 200 bucks each for the next batch. Hahaha he didn’t even want them in the first place and now here he was shelling out money for more. I have no idea how I managed to talk him into that. He definitely wasn’t enthusiastic about it. It was pretty funny. He was a good sport. The money he paid me went 100% into making them, so I don’t feel bad about it. This video has all 10 of the commercials cut together. Enjoy.

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