Doc and Mharti: Scud Vlog 12

Doc and Mharti: Scud Vlog 12

Thursday, September 20th, 2012
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Here they are again. Doc and Mharti. I love this thing. By the time this was made, Doc and Mharti (at least in my mind) had separated completely from their BTTF roots. They were something of their own.
I recorded and edited the radio play for this and then Kelsy Abbott key framed the animation in aftereffects using my original Doc and Mharti art assets and then creating/ adding new props/ scud/ etc.

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  1. Blake Lewis says:

    lol i love how these guys become rick and morty

  2. that is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Kitsune Tenshi says:

    Scud is real!! O.O

  4. The Origin of Rick and Morty

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